Wemos installation guide
A quick guide on how to get starteds with the Wemos D1, wireless enabled microcontroller.
What to do
- Install arduino (IDE), not the online version
- Install the USB-Wemos serial driver directly from the manufacturer of the Serial chip. Look carefully, find the right drivere for MAC & Windows between the Chinese signs.
- In the Arduino software, add the wemos-board:
- Go to Menu: File / Preferences.
- Type the below link into the "Additional boards managers" URL field:
- Type the below link into the "Additional boards managers" URL field:
- Install the board by going to Menu: Tools / board / board manager. Type “ESP8266” In the search field. Press the install box
- Restart arduino & Restart your computer.
- Final setup in the Arduino software:
- Connect the wemos to your computer with a micro-usb cable.
- Go to tools / Board and select and select "Wemos D1 R2 & mini".
- Go to tools / Port and select the port where it says "...usb serial 14310.." or something similar. (ry out the different COM-ports shown until it works.
- Test the board with the blink code. Menu: File / Sketchbook / D1miniExamples / Blink. Or use the code below. (It can take long time for the Arduino IDE to compile and upload to Wemos board)
- Trouble shooting guide if things doesn't work:
- Restart Arduino and restart your computer.
- Change upload speed. Menu: Tools / upload speed -> set to 115200.
- When using the serial monitor, you have to use the same speed. start serial communication with
- Check that you have installed all the libraries to the sensors that you use.
// Wemos D1 Blink example.
void setup() {
pinMode(BUILTIN_LED, OUTPUT); // initialize onboard LED as output
Serial.begin(115200); // Wemos uses another serial communication speed than arduino, thus initiate serial communication with 115200 or slower.
void loop() {
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, HIGH); // turn on LED with voltage HIGH
delay(1000); // wait one second
digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED, LOW); // turn off LED with voltage LOW
delay(1000); // wait one second