Published: March 28, 2025, Edited by: Nicolas Padfield

Maker Summit @ GRASP 2024

We invite all Fablabs and Makerspaces in Denmark (and the Rigsfællesskab and neighbouring countries, if they want) to a Maker Summit 2024 at the GRASP Festival.

The summit is co-organised by Fablab RUC and Orange Makers as a part of the larger Grasp Festival organised by Roskilde Festival and Roskilde University.

GRASP Festival is 26 - 27 September 2024 at Musicon (with Roskilde Festival, Roskilde Festival High School, Roskilde University, Fablab RUC, Orange Makers, Ragnarock) in Roskilde. GRASP is an exciting, inspiring knowledge festival and conference that mixes research, art, activism and practice. Art, research, activism and practice meet at GRASP. We are looking for new connections that can solve the biggest challenges of our time and create community, creativity and sustainable change.

The Maker Summit program element will take place from 13.30 on Friday, September 27th, until 16.30. Hereafter, there will be informal "hygge" and networking from 1730 to 2400 in Orange Makers.


13.30-14.30: Imagination Through Making

The right to dream about a better future and new sustainable solutions has changed - it’s moving into the physical realm. It is no longer limited to writing freely about ideas on paper.

Increased access to new digital fabrication machines, such as 3D printers, presents a tantalizing possibility for these novel technologies to reduce waste, democratize access to innovation, and create new sustainable ideas and solutions.

Listen to a series of engaging and inspiring talks:

  • David Joaquin Cuartielles Ruiz, PhD - co-inventor of Arduino - Malmö University: Implementations of green electronics
  • Siri Bahlenberg & Malte Hertz Jansen - MAKER: Kostbart – A project about engaging young people into making from a circular perspective
  • Henrik Mikkelsen - Zealand: Makerspaces as a central teaching tool in vocational training and technical high school
  • Mads Hobye, Associate Professor - Roskilde University: Maker Mindset - how do Makers Make
  • (Chair Nicolas Padfield)

14.30-15.00: Pause

15.00-16.30: Social Summit

Connect with other Makers and participate in a soapbox-session where we invite all attending Fablabs and Makerspaces to contribute with a 5 minute presentations of something they do well, so we all can be inspired by and learn from each other.

Part I: The future of Fablabs and Makerspaces

  • Brief framing by Nicolas Padfield, Lab leader, Fablab RUC: Exploring the near future - what is the next big thing in the Maker movement?
  • Debate, networking and socialising in groups
    • What is the next major revolution in maker spaces?
    • What technology is the next major leap?
    • How can we open up and enable a wider audience?

Part II: “Open mic” pecha kucha presentations (all welcome, max ~5 minutes each)


  • Carl Emil Carlsen “Plot, an open source p5-like procedural 2D drawing package for Unity”

  • Eva Kanstrup, illutron 2.0 - revamping Kulturskibet ILLUTRON

  • Malthe Borch, DTU Biosustain, Designing and Making with Living Matter: Biofabbing, Ecology, and Non-Human Actors

  • Schack Lindemann, Fablab RUC: Open Source Hardware example - industrial robot arm

  • Nicolas Padfield, Fablab RUC: An Open monitoring system for Fablab safety

  • Bo Hagensten Møller, Orange Makers: What makes a positive difference in our Maker space?

  • Keith Lim: Augmented Reality experiments

Part III: Socialising and networking with pizza (provided)

16.30-17.30 Grasp Closing ceremony.

17.30-23.00 Decompression: Networking and socialising in Orange Makers

(next door to GRASP), also with pizza (provided)

You can participate in three ways:

Remember also to purchase a ticket for GRASP (symbolic amount DKK 100) here:

See more about GRASP and the programme here: