RF2022: The Social Harp - musisk udfoldelse i fællesskab

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* En harpe med fire strenge udspændt så langt fra hinanden, at en enkelt person ikke kan spille på instrumentet alene. Derfor skal festivaldeltagerne finde sammen med venner eller endnu bedre med nye bekendtskaber og skabe et fælles musisk udtryk. *

The main idea of this installation is to bring people together throughout the festival. The four strings of the so-called “harp” will be spread out at a distance which makes it impossible for a single person to play the instrument alone. This way, you will either have to bring over some friends to play with you or, even better, attempt to convince strangers to play the instrument with you.

We realized that it would be difficult to make the music sound well if the instrument were to function as a regular string instrument, as this would require quite some previous experience; we, therefore, decided to make the harp function like a synth with premade soundbites. In this way, we make sure that the four strings provide sounds which work together, and the main objective becomes more about social collaboration than just a show of musical talent.

An alternative use for the installation could be as a waypoint or meeting point for the festival guests to help navigate the festival grounds and find their friends. This would be possible as we intend to light up the pole, which our installation is going to be mounted on, so it can easily be spotted in a crowd.

Lau Lisberg Sivertsen

Jakob Højsgaard Høfsten

Magnus Rude Nielsen

Henrik Riskær

William Dyrnesli Kristensen