Hackathon - Roskilde Festival Innovation 2024

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April 12th 1000-2000: Hackathon at FabLab RUC: The hackathon is a full work day. At the end of the day, you should have a functioning prototype (physical projects) or well-fleshed-out idea (research, interventions, etc.) so you are ready to apply.


10-1030 Hi, Welcome in Fablab 9.1 There will be light breakfast.

Lectures - voluntary - just come to the ones you feel are relevant for you:

  • 11-12 Get your concept sharp (Mads H)
  • 12-13 Battle proofing for extreme environments (Nicolas)
  • Lunch - buy yourself in canteen
  • 13-14 Laser cutting a prototype (Benjamin)
  • 16 Pitches, presentation of concepts, feedback.

  • 10-18 Coding/programming help is available

  • 17 Food is available
  • 17-20 Further work on the application

20+/next few days; remember to send your application to Roskilde Festival - see the application process and form here