Exploring LoraWan and The Things Network

Tuesday 14 May 2019, 2pm-8pm

At FabLab RUC - building 4.0, Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde

Come explore the LoraWan and The Things Network with us on this hands-on day and work on your IoT device, build your own gateway or pimp the one you already bought with a better antenna.

The idea is to come when it fits throughout the day and work on your own project, help each other and share experiences.

We are not able to purchase sensors and other components beforehand. It will although be possible to borrow components at the FabLab, and on the day we can make a collective purchase from eBay / aliexpress / amazon.

What we have in store is:


Temperature / Humidity (DHT11/DHT22)

Light (photoresistor)

Distance (ultrasound sensor)

MQ sensors (Gas sensor - https://playground.arduino.cc/Main/MQGasSensors)

BMP280 (temperature, barometric pressure)

BME280 (temperature, barometric pressure and humidity)

BME680 (temperature, humidity and VOC gases)

Other components:


LORA modules 868 MHz

Microcontrollers (ESP32 / ESP8266 / Arduino)

About TTN:

The Things Network (TTN) is a global movement with the mission to build a decentralized, open, and crowdsourced Internet of Things data network, owned and operated by its users. Building one’s own independent network, rather than having to pay an operator for IoT connectivity, provides interesting opportunities and new models for communities, and companies of all sizes alike.

About previous events and TTN Roskilde Community:

