Special days for tutors (rusvejledere)
Tutors, from all educations, are especially welcome in Fablab (building 9.1)
Monday 7th. of August 2023 10-16
Tuesday 8th. of August 2023 10-21
Man 7. aug 2023
kl 10-11 i 9.1 intro - hvad kan du bruge Fablab til og hvad kan dine ruslinge bruge Fablab til (ja, for alle studieretninger) Kort intro til at tegne på computer
11-16 - du kan bygge noget, med assistance.
Tirs 8. aug 2023
kl 10-11 i 9.1 intro - hvad kan du bruge Fablab til og hvad kan dine ruslinge bruge Fablab til (ja, for alle studieretninger) Kort intro til at tegne på computer
11-21 - du kan bygge noget, med assistance.
Outside these times, we can’t promise anything (business because of semester start).
At Fablab, you can build a working prototype of anything. See example photos below.
What can't we do:
- Normal IT problems
- Drinking games
- Large amounts of materials without warning
- Large amounts of expensive materials (plexiglass is expensive, if you are making 100 of something it probably has to be wood)
- Promise there is no queue of other students
- Magically make things take less time than they take. Things take time.
Relevant examples for tutors are:
Icebreaking name tags which are also puzzle pieces - find your match(es) (Nicolas' invention):
Physical explanations of studies/systems (Nicolas+study counsellors' invention):
QR code signs:
Functional board games:
Signs with break-off tabs:
Lit signs:
Minor furniature:
Boxes, e.g. ris/ros/ideas:
Name tags/name tags in shapes:
Interactive clothing: