Electronic Kintsugi - An Investigation of Everyday Crafted Objects in Tangible Interaction Design

Vanessa Julia Carpenter, Amanda Willis, Nikolaj “Dzl” Møbius, Dan Overholt

Aalborg University Copenhagen, Simon Fraser University Canada, Fablab Roskilde University Denmark

In the development of enhanced and smart technology, we explore the concept of meaningfulness, tangible design and interaction with everyday objects through Kintsugi, the Japanese craft of repairing broken ceramics with gold. Through two workshops, this emergent design research develops an iterative prototype: Electronic Kintsugi, which explores how we can facilitate more human-to-human or human-to-self connection through a hybrid crafted everyday object. We identify three themes: (1) enhancing human connection through embedded or “magic” technology; (2) using everyday objects to prompt personal reflection and development; and (3) exploring transferable design principles of smart products with a device of undefined purpose, and this converges traditional craft and technology.

Craft, Internet of Things, IoT, Tangible interaction, Everyday objects
