Artist Talk


- Art and Technology as Activism

HVOR: FabLab RUC, Universitetsvej 1, building 9.1, 4000 Roskilde

Grib muligheden for at møde den internationalt anerkendte iransk-kurdiske kunstner, Morehshin Allahyari. Det sker til en artist talk i FabLab RUC i anledning af, at kunstneren er aktuel med den digitale udstilling Zoba’ah (زوبعة): Hvirvelvinden på Museet for Samtidskunst.

Morehshin Allahyari har tidligere udstillet på MoMA, New Museum, Centre Pompidou og andre store museer verden over, men det er første gang, du kan møde hende i Danmark.

Til eventet får du chancen for at høre Allahyari fortælle om sin erfaring med at bruge 3D-print og andre digitale medier som kunstneriske og aktivistiske værktøjer til at genfortolke myter og historier fra SWANA-områderne (Sydvestasien og Nordafrika).

I forlængelse af artist talken vil Morehshin Allahyari i samtale med Michael Haldrup, professor ved Institut for Kommunikation og Humanistisk Videnskab på RUC, diskutere sin kunstneriske praksis. Der vil også være mulighed for at stille spørgsmål.

Tag din ven under armen, og varm op til weekenden! Arrangementet er nemlig gratis og åbent for alle. Der er åben bar fra kl. 14.


14:00: Velkomst med kaffe og kage. Baren er åben

14:15: Introduktion ved Museet for Samtidskunst

14:30: Artist talk med Morehshin Allahyari

15:15: Diskussion med Morehshin Allahyari og Michael Haldrup

15:45: Q&A

16:00: Hang out i baren

Transport og parkering:

FabLab RUC er placeret 13 min. gå gang fra Trekroner St., hvor regelmæssige toge til og fra København og Roskilde kører.

Parkering er gratis mod gyldig parkeringstilladelse, kontakt

NB: The talk will be in English.


WHEN: Friday March 24, 2 – 4 PM

WHERE: FabLab RUC, Universitetsvej 1, building 9.1, 4000 Roskilde

It is with great pleasure that The Museum of Contemporary Art in collaboration with FabLab RUC (Roskilde University) invite you to an artist talk with the internationally acclaimed Iranian-Kurdish artist Morehshin Allahyari. Allahyari is currently showing the digital exhibition Zoba’ah (زوبعة): The Whirlwind atThe Museum of Contemporary Art, and her first time in Denmark.

During the event Allahyari will introduce her practice, using 3D printing and digital media as tools for artistic expression and activism to refigure myths and histories from SWANA (Southwest Asia and North Africa).

Afterwards, Allahyari will engage in a discussion about her practice with professor at the Department of Communications and Arts at RUC, Michael Haldrup followed by a Q&A with the audience.

Bring a friend, and start your weekend with an inspirational talk. The event is free and open for everyone.


14:00: Welcome, coffee and cake. The bar is open.

14:15: Introduction by The Museum of Contemporary Art

14:30: Artist talk by Morehshin Allahyari

15:15: Discussion with Morehshin Allahyari and Michael Haldrup

15:45: Q&A

16:00: Hang out in the bar

Transportation and parking:

FabLab RUC is located 13 min. walking distance from Trekroner train station, where regular trains to and from Copenhagen and Roskilde are stopping. Parking is free with a valid parking permission, contact


Morehshin Allahyari (Persian: موره شین اللهیاری‎), is a NY based Iranian-Kurdish artist using 3D simulation, video, sculpture, and digital fabrication as tools to re-figure myth and history. Through archival practices and storytelling, her work weaves together complex counternarratives in opposition to the lasting influence of Western technological colonialism in the context of SWANA (Southwest Asia and Nort Africa).

Her work has been part of numerous exhibitions, festivals, and workshops at venues throughout the world, including the New Museum, MoMa, Centre Pompidou, Venice Biennale di Archittectura, and Museum für Angewandte Kunst among many others. She is the recipient of The United States Artist Fellowship (2021), The Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters & Sculptors Grant (2019), The Sundance Institute New Frontier International Fellowship (2019), and the Leading Global Thinkers of 2016 award by Foreign Policy magazine.

Her artworks are in the collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, and the Current Museum. She has been featured in The New York Times, BBC, Huffington Post, Wired, National Public Radio, Parkett Art Magazine, Frieze, Rhizome, Hyperallergic, and Al Jazeera, among others.

Michael Haldrup is professor at the Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University and co-founder of FabLab RUC. He has published on curating, heritage, museum and exhibition design, as well as experience with artistic/design based interventions and performances with heritage and landscapes. He is currently – among other things – interested in the idea of speculative heritage as a future-oriented concern for activating new forms of planetary coexistence, belonging and citizenship.